or uses several physical and electronic security measures to protect personal information from misuse and loss, and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. For example, we restrict physical access to our offices, and we use a combination of security containers, firewalls, secure databases, computer user identifiers and passwords to protect personal information held by us.
Emails you send to us are screened by our email security systems and may be viewed by authorised or information technology personnel and service providers for security purposes.
All personal information collected and stored by is held for a specified period of time, prior to eventual destruction. Time requirements for retention of personal information are at times statutory in nature or, required under contract, or necessary for procedural fairness as determined by or We maintain an active Retention and Destruction schedule setting out retention times for personal and other information. or regularly considers and reviews information collected to ensure that we do not collect excessive or irrelevant personal information.
Subject to applicable laws and our internal policies, we take reasonable steps to destroy or de-identify personal information about you when we no longer need it.